Passion Sermon Outlines

Title: "Passion: A God-Given Fire in Our Souls"


Begin with a definition of passion, describing it as an intense enthusiasm or desire that drives us towards something meaningful and fulfilling.

Share a biblical verse that highlights the role of passion, such as Romans 12:11 - "Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord."

I. Understanding the Nature of Passion

A. God as the Source of Passion

Explain that passion is a gift from God, and He instills unique desires and talents within each individual.

Emphasize that passion can be used to glorify God and make a positive impact in the world.

B. Recognizing Different Types of Passion

Discuss how passion can manifest in various aspects of life, such as relationships, hobbies, and career.

Encourage the congregation to discern their passions and align them with God's purposes.

II. The Power of Passion in Scripture

A. Passionate Pursuit of God

Share the story of David's passion for God, as seen in Psalms, and his relentless pursuit of a deeper relationship with the Lord.

Discuss how seeking God with passion can transform our lives.

B. Passionate Acts of Love and Service

Highlight the example of the early Christians in Acts 2:42-47, who displayed passion in their devotion to one another and their commitment to spreading the Gospel.

Discuss how passion in service can impact the community and draw others to Christ.

III. Nurturing and Guarding Our Passion

A. Fueling the Flame: Feeding Our Passion

Share practical ways to nurture passion, such as spending time in prayer, studying God's Word, and engaging in fellowship with other believers.

Emphasize the importance of cultivating a passionate relationship with God.

B. Guarding Our Passion from Distractions

Discuss the potential challenges that can hinder our passion, such as busyness, complacency, and worldly pursuits.

Encourage the congregation to be vigilant and protect their passion for God from being diluted.

IV. Leveraging Passion for God's Kingdom

A. Using Passion to Serve Others

Share examples of individuals who have channeled their passion into impactful service and ministry.

Encourage the congregation to find ways to utilize their passions for the betterment of the community and the advancement of God's kingdom.

B. Boldly Living Out Our Faith

Refer to 2 Timothy 1:7 - "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline."

Encourage believers to live boldly and unashamedly for Christ, letting their passion for Him be evident to others.


Recap the main points of the sermon: understanding the nature of passion, its power in Scripture, nurturing and guarding our passion, and leveraging it for God's kingdom.

Remind the congregation that passion is a God-given gift that can be used to bring glory to God and impact the world.

Encourage everyone to embrace their passions, dedicating them to God's purposes, and boldly live out their faith with fervor and zeal.

Ref Bible Verses - 


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